상품상세 정보


AA9635 FT Rear Sway Bar Kit

상품 정보
판매가 15000
할인판매가 15,000원 ( 15,000원 할인)
할인금액 총 할인금액 원
(모바일할인금액 원)


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배송방법 택배
배송비 3,000원 (50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
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Detailed Part Description:

FT Rear Sway Bar Kit. Includes color coded bars-- soft (black), med. (silver), hard (gold).

Without anti-roll bars on a high traction surface, a car`s weight will be thrown from one side or the other as it turns (chassis roll), which can make it less controllable. The anti-roll bar ends are attached to the suspension arms and the midpoint of the bar is fixed to the bulkhead. The anti-roll bars` restriction of excessive upward arm movement stabilizes a car from excessive chassis roll. (That`s why they are called anti-roll bars.)

Chassis roll creates uneven traction. How? As you turn left without anti-roll bars, the weight rolls to the right, puts pressure on the right tire, and removes pressure from the left tire. So excessive chassis roll will reduce steering control in the front, for a tire merely skimming cannot steer well.

When should you add an anti-roll bar kit to your vehicle? You should consider getting a kit if you run on a smooth surface with high traction. If your car oversteers or understeers, you should consider adding anti-roll bars to the front or rear. (Your car oversteers when the rear tires start to skid through a turn, causing a tighter turn than normal. Your car understeers when the front tires start to skid through a turn, causing a wider turn than normal.)

A car using anti-roll bars on a high traction surface will tend to have less chassis roll, make the car more responsive to cornering, and give you more control.

Anti-roll bars are generally used on smooth, high-traction conditions. Anti-roll bars on bumpy tracks don`t allow your suspension to work independently, and make your vehicle difficult to drive.

When either of these two conditions are met, you should consider anti-roll bars:

a) If you are driving on a high traction track and your car oversteers, use the front anti-roll bar only. This will stiffen the front during cornering (keep the tires glued to the track), giving the car consistent steering throughout the corner.

b) If your car is understeering, try a rear anti-roll bar. This will keep the rear of the car from rolling, which in turn will transfer more weight to the front of the car, gaining steering.

Anti-roll bars can come in several configurations, depending on the vehicle. In some cases, you may have more than one anti-roll bar thickness to choose from to adjust the pressure. In other cases, a "blade" anti-roll bar will give you several tuning possibilities in one blade.


상품 상세 정보
상품명 AA9635 FT Rear Sway Bar Kit
소비자가 15,000원
판매가 15,000원
브랜드 : Associated Electrics
자체상품코드 : AA9635
적립금 : 300원 (2%)

결제 안내

배송 안내

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
  • 배송 기간 : 3일 ~ 7일
  • 배송 안내 :

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